Melinda and Melinda (2004)
IMDb dice: Over a meal in a French restaurant, Sy poses a conundrum to his fellow diners: Is the essence of life comic or tragic? For the sake of argument, he tells a story, which the others then embellish to illustrate their takes on life. The story starts as follows: A young Manhattan couple, Park Avenue princess Laurel and tippling actor Lee, throw a dinner party to impress Lee's would-be producer when their long-lost friend Melinda appears at their front door, bedraggled and woebegone. In the tragic version of what happens next, the beautiful intruder is a disturbed woman who got bored with her Midwestern doctor-husband and dumped him for a photographer. Her husband took the children away and she spiraled into a suicidal depression that landed her straight-jacketed in a mental ward. In the comic version, Melinda is childless and a downstairs neighbor to the dinner hosts, who are ambitious Indy filmmaker Susan and under-employed actor Hobie. Back and forth the stories go, contrasting the destinies of the two Melindas.
Puntuación IMDb: 6,5 (9.989 votos)
FilmAffinity dice: La película, ambientada en Manhattan, describe dos historias completamente diferentes de una misma protagonista en crisis, Melinda (Radha Mitchell). Dos crisis que dan rienda suelta a situaciones cómicas y dramáticas, y que abordan todos los temas usuales en Woody Allen: la fragilidad del amor, la infidelidad dentro del matrimonio, el romance sofisticado, la incapacidad de comunicación. Como dice uno de los personajes de la película, “Está apesadumbrado, está desesperado, tiene tendencias suicidas. Existen todos los elementos cómicos”.
Puntuación FilmAffinity: 6,9 (7.509 votos)
CINeol dice: Ambientada en Manhattan, describe un par de crisis que dan rienda suelta a los talentos divertidos y serios, de Chiwetel Ejiofor, Will Ferrell, Jonny Lee Miller, Radha Mitchell, Amanda Peet, Chloë Sevigny y Wallace Shawn. Todos los temas recurrentes de Allen quedan explicados � la fragilidad del amor, la infidelidad conyugal, el romance sofisticado, la incapacidad de comunicarse.
Puntuación CINeol: 6,88 (74 votos)
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no es 'Embrujada'
Melinda y Melinda
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